AWS pursues autonomous drones

Spotlight: Commercient helps businesses leverage their data

Happy Friday!

Hope you’ve had a good week. We’re keeping it short today with a couple final insights from the AWS Summit in D.C. Let’s go.       

In today’s Daily Update:    

  • 🤖 Amazon wants to make its drones autonomous with LLMs   

  • 📸 Commercient helps businesses leverage data to improve customer experience          

  • 🚨 AI Roundup: Four quick hits

Read time: 2 minutes


🤖 Amazon wants to make its drones autonomous with LLMs


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is turning to large language models to make drone technology more accessible to people with no flying experience.

What you should know:

  • Amazon’s drones have a wide range of use cases, such as inspecting railroads, oil rigs, wind farms and completing neighborhood deliveries. 

  • Currently, piloting these drones requires an experienced human driver to guide the small vehicles to the completion of their task. 

  • AWS’ Tiago Costa Tomas said during a robotics workshop yesterday that generative AI can make drone-delegated tasks more accessible to people who have never flown. 

  • The goal is to equip drones with LLMs that can respond to natural language commands, such as "move left" or "fly to the next wind turbine."

  • Eventually, this approach could lead to fully autonomous drones that require no human oversight.

Why it matters: The development of fully autonomous drones could have significant implications across a wide range of industries. This technology has the potential to automate some of the most dangerous jobs in the world, such as delivering humanitarian aid to countries at war. 


📸 Commercient helps businesses leverage data to improve customer experience

A good portion of this week’s AWS Summit was spent exploring how businesses can utilize data to improve customer experiences. AI is at the forefront of these efforts, but it can be time-consuming and expensive to build AI solutions from scratch. 

What Commercient offers:

  • Commercient specializes in syncing data between small to medium-sized businesses’ ERP and CRM systems.

  • The Atlanta-based company recently launched AI Sync, which reduces the time it takes to integrate these systems from several months to just a few days.

  • Syncing results in a 360-degree view of your business hosted in a single integration app. 

  • Commercient’s Sync technology has a variety of use cases, ranging from sales and order management to customer service and marketing.  

  • The company also offers a variety of other tailored AI solutions, including demand forecasting and data extraction.  

Why it matters: Commercient’s offerings enable small to medium-sized businesses to implement AI solutions in the face of time and cost constraints. AI-driven data integration can give customers a substantial competitive edge in operational efficiency. Click here to learn more. 


🚨 AI Roundup: Four quick hits


  • OpenAI trains CriticGPT, a model that can catch errors in ChatGPT’s code output. 

  • Meta begins testing user-created chatbots on Instagram. 

  • Google promises “enterprise-ready” AI that reduces outputs with misleading or inaccurate information. 

  • YouTube pursues AI music deals with major record labels. 


Want to continue the conversation? Connect with me on LinkedIn and I’m happy to discuss any of today’s news. Thanks for reading The Daily Update!

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